There’s no denying that flexibility is important. While technology makes it easier than ever before to communicate and work anytime, anywhere, employees should be encouraged to use this flexibility to their advantage. Yet, it’s often quite easy to fall victim to the many pitfalls of flexibility, which is why it’s so important to invest in solutions designed to maximize productivity.
While flexible work policies might seem like they’re limiting your business’s potential, more flexible work hours could allow your team to flourish as people rather than as employees. It’s important to remember that your employees also have lives outside of the office. They have families and passions other than the workplace that they want to pursue. This becomes the biggest argument for a flexible workplace--when you give employees the mobile technology and flexibility to work on their own terms, you empower them to pursue their dreams in addition to fulfilling their work duties. Much of this can be accomplished thanks to the smartphone’s mobility and versatility.
Yet, this mobile technology presents another problem in the form of the work-life balance. If your employees are constantly in contact with the office, even when in the comfort of their own home, this can be invasive to the employee’s personal life. In many cases, this can lead to a dissatisfaction which is difficult to resolve. After all, nobody likes to receive a phone call in the middle of the night or while at the dinner table, especially if it’s for something that can easily wait until the following morning to resolve.
While the choice to implement a flexible working schedule is yours to make, you’ll need to invest in comprehensive technology solutions that can optimize communication and productivity:
If your business is ready to take on a more flexible business model, FRS Pros can help. We can equip your business with technology solutions designed to maximize control while promoting flexibility. To learn more, reach out to us at 561-795-2000.
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